Persons and Families
Papenfuss, complaint about bad treatment at the law firm, 12 May 1920
Dear Mr. Papenfuss!
For some time now my daughter has been complaining about a very bad treatment at the office by the older assistants.
Although she provides her service punctually and properly – as I am also assured by other reliable parties – she is constantly teased and wrapped. Now not from one side, but from all who are employed in the office. Just like my daughter, it’s the same with Lass.
Apparently the reason is deeper, because according to my daughter, her cousin Getzin is responsible for the “Putschen”, while Miss Barkow and Kass do not welcome her at all. If, according to my daughter, only higher daughters are to be employed there, then it is more correct to say that the former city students have to give up their service. By welcoming you kindly, I ask you to remedy this situation.
Yours sincerely
Your W. Jess?